Quick Info for GC Parents
While the GC website primarily serves as information for families looking for Christian education in Hunt and surrounding counties, the website also provides quick information for GC families.
Important communication information to know:
Office communications: The GC office primarily communicates through email. In some more urgent cases, for example, school closings, information will also be communicated through text, the school's Facebook and Instagram pages as well as through local/area media outlets. The school also releases newsletter information through email. Many grandparents enjoy being on this newsletter email list. For more information, email office@greenvillechristian.org .
Teacher communications: GC faculty provides information in a variety of ways: Email, FACTS/Rebweb, and Google Classroom. Ask your teacher how you and your student should expect to receive information from the teacher. (Link to Teacher Directory below)
Athletics communications: If you are a sports family, download the BAND app. The Athletic Department provides this communication platform for families regarding game schedules, carpooling, and other logistics related to specific sports and teams.
Important documents: Documents such as the Handbook, Driving Agreement, etc. can be found uploaded to the Family Portal in the FACTS/Renweb app. Check the left side menu of the app. (Link below)
FACTS/Rebweb lost passwords, etc: Contact the Administrative assistant either by phone (903-454-1111, ext. 103) or by email: office@greenvillechristian.org .
LUNCH - MEAL MANAGE (see link below)
Re-enrollment - FACTS/Renweb (Linke below)
Finance office: finance@greenvillechristian.org or 903-454-1111 ext. 106
8th Grade Sponsor: Melissa Wrinkle, mwrinkle@greenvillechristian.org
Junior Sponsor: Kelsi Mahan and Melissa Wrinkle, mwrinkle@greenvillechristian.org
Senior Sponsor: Melissa Wrinkle, mwrinkle@greenvillechristian.org
Parent and Teacher Fellowship (PTF) : ptf@greenvillechristian.org
Athletic Boosters: athleticboosters@greenvillechristian.org
DadNation: DadNation@greenvillechristian.org