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Grades 1-6, The Age of Concrete Reasoning

Children ages 6 to 12 usually think in concrete ways (concrete operations). This can include things like how to combine, separate, order, and transform objects and actions. Our curriculum is centered around: 

Biblical Worldview

In Christian education, the Bible is discussed in Bible class and chapel—but how does it apply to other academic subjects? We shape each subject according to the lens of Scripture. Each discipline takes on new meaning when we apply the themes of Creation, Fall, and Redemption.

Academic Rigor

Our academics are not just biblically faithful—they are also academically sound. Our curriculum uses hands-on-learning, creative problem solving, and other research-proven instructional strategies to motivate students to take an active role in learning and to master age-appropriate materials.

Critical Thinking is important to Christians at an increasingly early age.

A complete education goes beyond facts and processes, so our textbooks direct students to think for themselves. They are encouraged to use discernment and to consider their worldview in everyday situations. Our textbooks help students to develop skills in critical thinking with inductive teaching, hands-on-learning, and probing questions.

Special Classes

Elementary-aged students are homeroom-based and have additional teachers they will visit during the week for specialized subjects such as PE, Library, Computers, Art, Music, and Science.


On Thursdays, elementary students will gather for chapel services. PK3-Grade 4 will present a chapel program. Older elementary students will be taught by a chapel leader.

Dyslexia and Accommodations

Greenville Christian has special classes for students who have been diagnosed with dyslexia. Our instructor has been trained in the Take Flight program through Scottish Rite Hospital. In addition, students can also be provided with accommodations when needed. However, at this time, no curriculum modifications are available. We offer some accommodations for students who have other mild to moderate learning disabilities.


Greenville Christian Homeroom teachers, Kindergarten - Grade 6 are certified or have extensive professional educational experience. Most are also working toward their ACSI certification. ACSI is our accrediting entity. Every teacher is a Christian in both faith and practice and is part of a church community.

For questions regarding elementary school, email